Our Sensor chips
Lino Biotech offers two cutting-edge immobilization solutions tailored to fit diverse research needs:
- Click Chemistry Chips
- DNA Chips
While both are designed to enhance biomolecular interaction studies, each brings unique features and advantages to the table. Together with our DNA adaptors they cover all your immobilization needs.

Click Chemistry Chips
provide robust and covalent immobilization of biomolecules onto the sensor surface. Using an optimized Click Chemistry strategy, these chips ensure long-term stability and compatibility with a wide range of biomolecular targets.
The 2D PEG layer with the integrated molographic template guarantees low non-specific binding, making it ideal for applications that require durable and high-performance sensing surfaces.
They are ideal if you only have limited amount of ligand, however as any covalent immobilization they require the development of a regeneration protocol for each immobilized target.

DNA chips
are equipped with pre-defined DNA oligonucleotide patterns (20 mers) that enable specific and versatile target immobilization. Using palindromic DNA-sequence linkers, these chips simplify functionalization for a variety of biomolecules.
They are particularly suited for multiplexed analysis, as they facilitate simultaneous evaluation of multiple interactions on the same chip.
In addition, they are easily regeneratable and usually no custom regeneration protocols need to be developed. The DNA can simply be dehybridized and a new DNA conjugated molecule or adaptor can be applied.